
HOME / Archive / Flusser Studies 28 – December 2019 / Special Issue: Flusser in Meran

Flusser Studies 28 – December 2019 / Special Issue: Flusser in Meran

Introduction (PDF 257.92 KB)

Kerzengärten. Betrachtung vor einem Kunstwerk / Das Fernsehen näher gesehen / Kommentar / Die Tasche / strukturale Analyse / Bunte Reihe Berühmter Männer / Zwei Flüsse und zwei Strömungen / Täler /Mein Tal in Südtirol / Brief an Regina Klaber Thusek

Kerzengärten (PDF 1.96 MB)
Fernsehen (PDF 1.95 MB)
Kommentar (PDF 1.88 MB)
Tasche (PDF 1.93 MB)
Bunte Reihe (PDF 1.22 MB)
Zwei Flüsse (PDF 1.57 MB)
Täler (PDF 371.92 KB)
Mein Tal in Südtirol (PDF 302.27 KB)
Brief an Klaber Thusek (PDF 53.02 KB)

Zwischen Berg und Ebene: Zur Entstehung von Vilém Flussers Begriffspaar Dialog/Diskurs - Tra montagna e pianura: come è nata la coppia di concetti dialogo/discorso di Vilém Flusser

This essay attempts a genealogic reconstruction of Vilém Flusser’s fundamental conceptual pair dialogue/discourse that he developed in the early 1970s. From 1973 to 1975, Edith and Vilém Flusser lived between Merano – where they generally spent the winter reading, discussing, taking walks and relaxing – and the Loire region in France where they spent the summer of 1973 and 1974. This nomadic existence between the mountain valley of Alto Adige/Südtirol and the plains of France prompted Flusser to develop a double vision of culture and communication based on two different geographical settings. Dialogues take place above all in valleys and discourses predominate in the plains. Between the two, there is a constant exchange that recalls Flusser’s own existence in these years.

Zwischen Berg und Ebene (PDF 530.07 KB)
Tra montagna e pianura (PDF 403.04 KB)

Regina Klaber Thusek und Vilém Flusser. Schönheit versus Hübschheit

Between 1973 and 1979, Vilém Flusser was friends with the artist Regina Klaber Thusek (born 1900, Römerstadt, d. 1983, Merano). Like Flusser, Klaber Thusek had a circle of friends that was international, and that showed a propensity for people with Jewish roots whose lives had been shaped by the Holocaust. Klaber Thusek, who traced her Jewish background through her father, immediately felt an affinity with Flusser, the Prague Jew.  They met for the most part in Merano at the time both were living there, although the friendship culminated in a trip to Provence in May 1979. This essay, which briefly narrates Klaber Thusek’s life and her meeting with Flusser, is the result of several years of study of the artist’s estate, now held at the archive of the Palais Maming Museum in Merano.  It contains extracts from the artist’s journal pertaining directly to Flusser.


This short contribution describes the first meeting and subsequent collaboration between Vilém Flusser and Matthias Schönweger.

Flusser (PDF 75.79 KB)

Vilém Flusser, die Dolomiten und das Urvieh oder: Die ästhetische Krankheit Patriotismus

“I had seen photos of Flusser before and imagined him quite differently: much taller and more imposing. But he was short, incredibly agile, with long slim fingers, the whole person was constantly on the move. … He raved about the beauty of Merano … he loved the Italian language and culture and the Tyrolean songs that I sang to him” (Matthias Schönweger). This article by Katharina Hohenstein, which highlights some aspects of Vilém Flusser’s stay in Merano, was published in the fifth issue of the trilingual magazine vissidarte in Merano in December 2009. We thank the publishers for the opportunity to publish it here again (Rainer Guldin).

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