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Notes for Contributors

Typescripts should be submitted in Word format only. The text should be formatted in the following way: 1,5 line spacing throughout, main text (Garamond 12), justified, main title (Garamond 16, bold, centered), intermediate titles (Garamond 14, bold).

A short abstract (200-300 words) and a CV (150-200 words), both in English, should accompany the text. Please send abstract and CV as two separate texts. The abstract should contain the name of the contributor, a title (in English), up to 6 index keywords not contained in the title, the e-mail address of the contributor, as well as her/his affiliation.

Quotations in the text should be enclosed in “double quotation marks”. Use ‘single quotes’ only within double quotes.

Words from other languages, and words intended to be especially emphasized, should be italicized.

Footnotes should be identified in the text by superscript numbers.

Hyperlinks are acceptable in the text and footnotes.

References should be indicated in the text by the name of the author(s) and the year of publication according to the following examples: ‘... as mentioned by Venuti (2000)’; ‘... as has been argued (Venuti 2000: 34-38)’. ‘Several authors have noted this trend (Toury 1980; Eco 2003; Flaxman et al. 2004)’.

The abbreviation ‘et al.’ should be used for references with three or more authors. For citations of two or more papers by the same authors in the same year, the year should be followed by a letter (a, b, c, etc.).

Reference Section: All works cited in the text must be listed alphabetically according to the first author in a reference section at the end of the manuscript. References to books should include the place of publication and the publisher's name, and references to articles in journals should include volume and page numbers, as in the following examples: Venuti, L. (2000). The Translation Studies Reader, London: Routledge. Venuti, L. (1998). Strategies of translation. In: Baker (ed.). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, London: Routledge: 240-244.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources.

The authors will retain the copyright of their texts

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