
HOME / Flusseriana


This page is dedicated above all to new publications of and about Vilém Flusser, as well as to translations, conferences, international meetings, symposiums, critical comments.


« Vilém Flusser : la technique et les médias à la croisée des disciplines », in : Appareil 25/2023
https://journals.openedition.org/appareil/6141. Introduction by Manola Antonioli et Vincent Jacques https://journals.openedition.org/appareil/6364


Reed, Christopher. "Looking around The Marble Faun: Visuality, Authorship, and Authority." J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, vol. 10 no. 2, 2022, p. 381-409. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/jnc.2022.0022.


Understanding Flusser, Understanding Modernism, ed by Aaron Jaffe, Michael F. Miller, Rodrigo Martini, Bloomsbury Academic, London Oxford New York New Delhi Sydney 2021.

This volume “fills a gap in our critical environment by providing a series of essays by leading scholars of critical and media theory who engage with Flusser’s work within the milieu of modernist studies and contemporary critical theory.” (from Aaron Jaffe’s „Introduction“)


VII coMcult: Flusser 101 (September 13th and 17th)

The Board of Directors of the Interdisciplinary Center for Semiotics of Culture and Media (CISC) would like to invite you to participate in the VII International Congress on Communication and Culture, the VII coMcult. The event will take place exclusively as a virtual gathering due to the sanitary restrictions necessary to protect participants from the Covid-19 pandemic. The academic congress is dedicated to the life and work of Vilém Flusser, who would complete 101 years in 2021. Although his work has been translated around the world, fundamental aspects of his contributions to the area of Culture and Media remain unknown: his critical ecology, his defence of feminism, his refusal to submit to the political and economic apparatus, his voracious criticism of the consumer society and, of course, his bold proposal for a Communicology.

Detailed information is available on the event website: http://www.comcult.cisc.org.br/

Alex Florian Heilmeir, Helena Maria Cecília Navarrete, Ana Elisa Antunes Viviani, Tiago Mota e Silva, Cristina Pontes Bonfiglioli.


Flusser 100+ 2021 (May 12th 2021)

Flusser 100+ is an annual Flusserian encounter consisting of all manner of dialogical and discoursive forms, presentation, workshops and unlikely information.

In 2021, due to the ongoing public health crisis, Flusser 100+ will be held primarily online.



Goethe Pop Up Seattle Salon - Unsettling the Apparatus

The current wave of protests for justice continues across the United States and has spread to Europe and beyond. How do we understand and confront systemic racism, political injustice, and anti-Semitism? How do we navigate our modern media landscape to listen to and learn from these issues? And how can art foster fundamental change? We explored these questions through the theories of philosophers Hannah Arendt and Vilém Flusser with a panel of scholars and artists. Hear the panelists' thoughts and engage with the work of Arendt and Flusser via the recording of the discussion that took place on June 8, 2020.


Vilém Flusser – Hundert Zitate, ed. by Rainer Guldin and Andreas Müller-Pohle, Berlin 2020.


Rodrigo Duarte and Thomas Friedrich (ed.), Kulturendialog mit Vilém Flusser, Reihe: Ästhetik und Kulturphilosophie. Bd. 14, Lit Verlag Berlin / Münster / London / Wien / Zürich.


Rainer Guldin and Marco Carassai (ed.), Thinking in Exile. The Nomadic Philosophy of Vilém Flusser / Pensare in esilio. La filosofia nomadica di Vilém Flusser, in Azimuth - Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age, VII, nr. 13, InSchibboleth, Rome.

Anthony Masure and Yves Citton (ed.), Vilém Flusser, Post-histoire (with accompanying texts by Catherine Geel), Paris, T&P Work Unit.

Vilém Flusser: vivre dans les programmes, in Multitudes 74, Spring 2019, pp. 167-217 (Contributions by Yves Citton, Anthony Masure, Jacopo Rasmi and texts by Vilém Flusser: L’art et l’ordinateur, Programme (Tes père et mère honoreras), Se faire des idées, Le vivant et l’artificiel, Deux lectures du monde, Reconsidérer le temps, Critique, Critères, Crise).


Rainer Guldin / Gustavo Bernardo (eds.), Best of Flusser Studies 2005-2017, Annablume editora, São Paulo.

Przemysław Wiatr, Vilém Flusser: W cieniu posthistorii – wprowadzenie do filozofii Viléma Flussera (In the Shadow of Post-History – Introduction to the Philosophy of Vilém Flusser), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń (The first Polish monograph on Flusser).

Vilém Flusser, Kultura pisma. Z filozofii słowa i obrazu (Culture of Writing. Philosophy of Word and Image), translated and edited by Przemysław Wiatr, Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Aletheia (A collection of essays by Vilém Flusser).


Vilém Flusser, O Último Juízo: Gerações, É Realizações.

Vilém Flusser, Language and Reality, Univocal, University of Minnesota Press.

Vilém Flusser, Artforum // Essays, ed. by Martha Schwendener, Metaflux Publishing.

Vilém Flusser, Groundless, translated from the Portuguese by Rodrigo Maltez Novaes, Metaflux Publishing.

Rainer Guldin / Gustavo Bernardo, Vilém Flusser (1920–1991) Ein Leben in der Bodenlosigkeit. Biographie, transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.

Gustavo Bernardo / Rainer Guldin, O homem sem chão : a biografia de Vilém Flusser, São Paulo, Annablume editora.

Daniel Irrgang. Vom Umkehren der Bedeutungsvektoren. Prototypen des technischen Bildes bei Vilém Flusser (International Flusser Lectures), Walther König, Cologne.

Michael Hanke, Kommunikation - Medien - Kultur. Vilém Flusser und die Signatur der telematischen Gesellschaft, Kulturverlag Kadmos Berlin.

Geórgia Brito, A Xilogravura e as Imagens Técnicas: debatendo Vilém Flusser, Novas Edições Acadêmicas.

Machado Campos, Imagem, escrita e sociedade: Reflexões sobre a filosofia dos novos media de Vilém Flusser, Novas Edições Acadêmicas.

Rodrigo Maltez Novaes (ed.), Caderno Sesc_videobrasil 12 - Metafluxus, Lightning Source UK Ltd. August.


Vilém Flusser, Vom Stand der Dinge. Eine kleine Philosophie des Design, Steidl Verlag (new edition)

Vilém Flusser y la Cultura de la Imagen: Textos Escogidos, translated by Breno Onetto, Ediciones Universidad Austral de Chile.

Vilém Flusser, Philosophy of Language, Univocal, 2016 (foreword by Sean Cubitt, translated by Rodrigo Maltez Novaes. The “Flusser Archive Collection” will be finished with the following three titles over the next 2-3 years: Language and Reality, Foundational Concepts of Western Thought and The Influence of Existential Thought Today).

Vilém Flusser, Philosophy of Language, Univocal, 2016 (foreword by Sean Cubitt, translated by Rodrigo Maltez Novaes. The “Flusser Archive Collection” will be finished with the following three titles over the next 2-3 years: Language and Reality, Foundational Concepts of Western Thought and The Influence of Existential Thought Today).

Vilém Flusser, The Surprising Phenomenon of Human Communication, ed. by Rodrigo Maltez Novaes, Metaflux.

Katrin Weide, Öko-Logik des Und: Kreative Verbindungen in der Maschinen- und Apparatetheorie bei Deleuze, Guattari und Flusser (dynamis), Fink.

Eco-Pos (UERJ Rio de Janeiro), special issue dedicated to Vilém Flusser (v. 19, n. 1, 2016), ed. by Erick Felinto and Julio Bezerra.

Teófilo Augusto Da Silva, A busca pela clarificação da Caixa-Preta: Complementos ao conceito de programa de Vilém Flusser, Novas Edições Acadêmicas.


Vilém Flusser, Vampyroteuthis infernalis: Un Traité, suivi d'un Rapport de l'Institut scientifique de recherche paranaturaliste, translated from German by Christophe Lucchese, Zones Sensibles Editions, Bruxelles.

Vilém Flusser, Into Immaterial Culture and Immaterialism (Metatext), Metaflux publishing, (translated by Rodrigo Maltez Novaes).

Siegfried Zielinski and Daniel Irrgang (eds.), Bodenlos - Vilém Flusser und die Künste, Akademie der Künste Berlin.

André Brayner de Farias (ed.), Vilém Flusser - Filosofia do desenraizamento, Clarinete Editora Porto Alegre. Contributions by André Brayner Farias, Erick Felinto, Gabriela Reinaldo, Jair Inácio Tauchen, Márcio Seligmann-Silva, Rachel Costa, Rainer Guldin, Roberto Bartholo and Rodrigo Duarte.

Siegfried Zielinski, Peter Weibel and Daniel Irrgang (eds.), Flusseriana, Univocal publishing, 2015 (The trilingual book (English, German and Portuguese) contains more than 200 key terms from Flusser’s work, written by more than one hundred Flusser scholars from all over the world).

Thomas Düllo, Abwegen und Abschweifen - Versuch über die narrative Drift (International Flusser Lectures), Walther König, Cologne,

Graham Harman, Die Rache der Oberfläche. Heidegger, McLuhan, Greenberg, (International Flusser Lectures), Walther König, Cologne.

Felipe Guimarães de Souza Fernandes Loureiro, “The Image in Power: Vilém Flusser and the Craft of Architecture” In Architecture Philosophy, vol 1, no 2.  

Rainer Guldin, Translation as Metaphor, Routledge, New York (The book contains two sections about Flusser’s use of the metaphor of translation).

Vito Campanelli, L’utopia di una società dialogica. Vilém Flusser e la teoria delle immagini tecniche, Mediaevo, Luca Sossella editore, Bologna.

Hermann Haarmann, Michael Hanke and Steffi Winkler (eds.), Play it again, Vilém!: Medien und Spiel im Anschluß an Vilém Flusser, Marburg, Tectum.

Hermann Haarmann, Michael Hanke and Steffi Winkler (ed.), Medien und Spiel (Media and Game), Tectum, Marburg (Contributions by Suzana Alpsancar, Guido Bröckling, Rodrigo Duarte, Gunter Gebauer, Rainer Guldin, Michael Hanke, Matthias Kroß, Frauke Kurbacher, Florian Rötzer, Steffi Winkler and Siegfried Zielinski).


A new Flusser site has been recently launched in Brazil

Two new books have been published recently:  A Imagem, imaginação, fantasia: 20 anos sem Vilém Flusser, ed. by Alice Serra, Rodrigo Duarte and Romero Freitas, Relicário 2014. This are the proceedings of the International Congress “Imagem, imaginação, fantasia” held in Ouro Preto in 2011.

Vito Campanelli and Marco Cadioli, Snapshooters. L´evoluzione del gesto fotografico, Edizioni MAO, Naples 2014

From 6th to 8th February 2014 was held at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, the II. International Symposium on ‘Media Culture after Vilém Flusser’ “Medien und Spiel”, dedicated to the notion of game in Flusser’s work.

On the 26th November 2014 at 7 o’clock p.m., in the Centro da Cultura Judaica – rua Oscar Freire 2500, São Paulo (Brazil) – will be presented a new internet site dedicated to the work and life of Vilém Flusser FlusserBrasil, along with four new books by Annablume Editora: Ser judeu, Gestos, Correspondência com Sérgio Paulo Rouanet and Artigos sobre a Bienal de Arte de São Paulo. With Eva Batlickova, Miguel Flusser, Moacir Amâncio, Rainer Guldin and Rodrigo Duarte.

Swiss design Network Conference: Remediating Things, Translating Ideas – Designing Knowledge. A Flusser Workshop led by Anke Finger, Jamie Allen, Christiane Heibach and Rodrigo Novaez, Lucerne (Switzerland) 14/15 November 2014.

Two new English translations by Rodrigo Novaes, edited by Siegfried Zielinski, On Doubt (with a foreword by Rainer Guldin) and History of the Devil have been recently released by Univocal Publishing (Minnesota)


From the 1st to the 3rd November 2013 was held at the University of Connecticut.the International
Flusser-Symposium “Remediating Flusser, a symposium and digital humanities project”. It is the first Flusser symposium ever to be organized in the United States.

Daniel Irrgang is the new research director of the Vilém Flusser Archive at the Universität der Künste in Berlin.

In September 2013 Univocal published Natural:Mind, an English translation of Vilém Flusser’s Natulal:Mente by Rodrigo Maltez Novaes. univocalpublishing.com. This is the second of a total of eight planned English translations that are going to be published over the next four years. The next volume of this edition, The History of the Devil, is going to be published in April 2014.

Two new books on Vilém Flusser have been recently published in Germany:
Michael Hanke and Steffi Winkler (eds.), Vom Begriff zum Bild. Medienkultur nach Vilém Flusser, vol. 2. kommunikation & kultur. A scientific series at Institute of the History of Communication and Applied Cultural Studies, Freie niversität Berlin, ed. by Hermann Haarmann and Falko Schmieder, Marburg 2013
http://www.tectum-verlag.de/vom-begriff-zum-bild.html. The book contains the proceedings of the International Flusser-Symposium „Do conceito à imagem: a cultura da mídia pós-Vilém Flusser“ (“From Concept to Image: Media Culture after Vilém Flusser“) that was held in December 2012 at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal, Brazil.
Guido Bröckling, Das handlungsfähige Subjekt zwischen TV-Diskurs & Netz-Dialog. Vilém Flusser und die Frage der sozio- und medienkulturellen Kompetenz, Munich 2012
http://www.kopaed.de/kopaedshop/?pg=1_11&pid=808. Available also as an ebook

Gerardo Santana Trujillo has translated Vilém Flusser´s Für eine Schule der Zukunft into Spanish with a short introduction.

Vilém Flusser, Para una escuela del futuro

In February 2013 Univocal published Post-History, an English translation of Vilém Flusser’s Pós-história by Rodrigo Maltez Novaes. This is the first of a total of eight planned English translations that are going to be published over the next four years.
On the 8th March 2013 was held a "Jornada sobre a pós-história", a day dedicated to the notion of post-history at the University of Belo Horizonte, Brazil (FAFICH)


A new Spanish Flusser internet site has been created by Breno Onetto Muñoz and Gerardo Santana Trujillo

Two new projects originating from the Vilém Flusser Archive in Berlin (Universität der Künste, UDK) have been recently launched

From the 5th to the 7th December 2012 was held the International Flusser-Symposium „Do conceito à imagem: a cultura da mídia pós-Vilém Flusser“ (“From Concept to Image: media culture after Vilém Flusser“) at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal, Brazil

Claudia Becker, research supervisor at the Flusser Archive in Berlin, is organizing the full digitization of all archival materials over the next two years. A ‘mirror-archive’ will be available at PUC in São Paulo, thanks to the efforts of Norval Baitello.

Univocal, distributed by the University of Minnesota Press, Flusser’s main publisher in the United States, will bring out a considerable number of Flusser translations from Portuguese to English over the next several years. Translated by Rodrigo Maltez Novaes, these texts include some of Flusser’s main works: Post-History and Natural:mente (to be published in 2013); On Doubt, The History of the Devil, Language and Reality, Philosophy of Language, Foundational Concepts of Western Thought and Importance of Existential Thought are planned to appear in subsequent years.

Nancy Roth has finished her translation of Gesten for the University of Minnesota Press. The book should be published in 2013.

The Freedom of the Migrant: Objections to Nationalism, edited by Anke Finger and translated by Kenneth Kronenberg, will be available in paperback in 2013 from the University of Illinois Press.

Vassilis Galanos has translated Vilém Flusser’s “Counter-vision” into Greek.
Vilém Flusser, Αντι-όραμα

Editora Paulus has published O explorador de abismos. Vilém Flusser e o pós-humanismo by Erick Felinto and Lucia Santaella

The Brazilian on-line journal IHU (Instituto Humanitas Unisinos) has published a whole issue on the work and life of Vilém Flusser

University of Minnesota Press has published a new translation of Vilém Flusser’s and Louis Bec’s Vampyroteuthis infernalis by Valentine A. Paki

From the 24th to the 25th May 2012 the International Flusser-Symposium "Flusser em Fluxo" was held in the Auditório Rachel de Queiroz at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Brazil: http://www.grupovilemflusser.ufc.br/. The proceedings of the symposium are going to be published in Flusser Studies 15 in May 2013.

Annablume editora has published Rodrigo Duarte’s Pós-história de Vilém Flusser: gênese-anatomia-desdobramentos.

Two new books on Flusser have been recently published.
Suzana Alpsancar, Das Ding namens Computer. Eine kritische Neulektüre von Vilém Flusser und Mark Weiser

Anne Popiel, Of Pixels and Particles: The digital connection between nature and art in Vilém Flusser’s philosophy


Annablume has also reedited Vilém Flusser’s Natural:mente. Vários acessos ao significado de natureza: http://www.annablume.com.br/comercio/product_info.php?products_id=1577 as well as Filosofia da Caixa Preta. Ensaios para uma futura filosofia da fotgrafia http://www.annablume.com.br/

Atropos Press (New York and Dresden) has just published the first English translation of Flusser's Vampyroteuthis Infernalis. Rodrigo Novaes translated the Portuguese version of the text which differs significantly from the German.

In March 2011 University of Minnesota Press published two books by Vilém Flusser: Into the Universe of Technical Images (http://www.upress.umn.edu/Books/F/flusser_into.html) and Does Writing Have a Future? (http://www.upress.umn.edu/Books/F/flusser_does.html) both translated by Nancy Ann Roth, with an introduction by Mark Poster. In May 2011 Vilém Flusser. An Introduction by Anke Finger, Rainer Guldin and Gustavo Bernardo was also published (http://www.upress.umn.edu/Books/F/finger_vilem.html).

Marcel René Marburger from the Universität der Künste Berlin (Germany) has published a dissertation on Vilém Flusser's theory of art: "Flusser und die Kunst" (Edition_I/f/u/S, Band 23, Köln 2011).

Editora Humanitas has published Vilém Flusser. A tradução na sociedade pós-historica by Cláudia Santana Martins.

From the 18th to the 21st October 2011 was held the International Flusser-Symposium „Imagem, Imaginaçâo, Fantasia. Vinte anos sem Vilém Flusser“ (“Image, Imagination, Fantasy. Twenty years without Vilém Flusser“) at the Instituto de Filosofia, Arte e Culturas (IFAC) of the UFOP in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Annablume (São Paulo) has recently published A filosofia da ficção de Vilém Flusser edited by Gustavo Bernardo


From the 3rd to 4th May 2010 was held the international Flusser Symposium “Do Diabólico ao Simbólico: A Filosofia de Vilém Flusser" at the Faculdade de Letras of the University of Lisbon (Portugal). The proceedings are going to be published in the May 2011 issue of Flusser Studies. (Guest-editor: Dirk-Michael Hennrich).

Annablume (São Paulo) has recently published:
Eva Batlickova, A Época Brasileira de Vilém Flusser. The volume is dedicated to a thorough analysis of Vilém Flusser’s early Brazilian texts.
Rainer Guldin, Pensar entre línguas – A teoria da tradução de Vilém Flusser, being an abridged version of Philosophieren zwischen den Sprachen. Vilém Flussers Werk, published in 2005 by Wilhelm Fink (München).
Biblioteca Flusseriana (a new hardcover edition of five of Vilém Flusser’s major works: Língua e realidade, A História do diabo, Universo das imagens técnicas – Elogio da superficialidade, A Escrita, – Há futuro para a escrita? and Bodenlos: uma autobiografia filosófica.

Claudia Becker is the new research director of the Vilém Flusser Archive at the Universität der Künste in Berlin (becker@medienhaus.udk-berlin.de).

From the 5th to the 14th of August 2010 was held in Rio de Janeiro and on Isla Grande the International Flusser-Symposium “A filosofia da fiçção de Vilém Flusser”.


Vilém Flusser, Bochumer Vorlesungen 1991, ed. by Silvia Wagnermaier and Siegfried Zielinski. In the summer of 1991 Friedrich A. Kittler invited Flusser to hold a series of lectures at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany). These lectures are now available on-line as audio-stream files.

A Portuguese and an Italian translation of Flusser´s Ins Universum der technischen Bilder have recently been published: O universo das imagens técnicas, Annablume, São Paulo, 2008 and Immagini. Come la tecnologia ha cambiato la nostra percezione del mondo, Fazi, Rome 2009.

Two books of essays on Vilém Flusser have recently been published: Susanne Klengel / Holger Siever (ed.), Das dritte Ufer. Vilém Flusser und Brasilien, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2009 (proceedings of the first international Symposium on Flusser and Brazil „A terceira margem: Vilém Flusser und Brasilien. Kontexte - Migration – Übersetzung” held at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in Germersheim from the 12th to the 14th of October 2006) and Oliver Fahle, Michael Hanke, Andreas Ziemann (ed.), Technobilder und Kommunikologie. Die Medientheorie Vilém Flussers, Parerga Verlag, Berlin 2009 (proceedings of the Flusser-Kolloquium entitled "Die Medien- und Bildtheorie Vilém Flussers" held from the 29th to the 31st of March 2007 and organized by the Bauhaus University in Weimar).

Andrea Soto Calderón (andreasotocalderon@gmail.com) translated Rainer Guldin's 'Traducirse y retraducir-se'
Traducirse y retraducir-se

On ‘you tube’ are now available two shorter videos on Flusser about nomadism.

Annablume (São Paulo) has recently published Vilém Flusser: uma introdução by Gustavo Bernardo, Anke Finger and Rainer Guldin (http://www.annablume.com.br/comercio/product_info.php?cPath=14&products_...). The German version of this text was published in early 2009 by Wilhelm Fink in UTB-Profile (http://www.utb.de/profile.html). The English edition, entitled Vilém Flusser: An Introduction will be published by the University of Minnesota Press in 2011.

A new choice of texts in Portuguese translation has been edited by Rafael Cardoso: Vilém Flusser, O mundo codificado: por uma filosofia do design e da comunicação. Organised by Rafael Cardoso and translated by Raquel Abi-Sâmara São Paulo: Cosac Naif, 2007; 224 pp. ISBN: 978-85-7503-593-1.

The _Vilém_Flusser_Archive has recently moved to the Universität der Künste Berlin (Grunewaldstrasse 2-5, 10823 Berlin). flusser@udk-berlin.de
FlusserFlyer 07

A Spanish translation of Flusser’s Die alphanumerische Gesellschaft (Medienkultur, Frankfurt a. M. 1997, p. 41-60) by Breno Onetto Muñoz is available at

Thomas Karlsohn from the University of Göteborg has published a dissertation on Vilém Flusser's media-theory. (Karlsohn, Thomas, Passage mellan medier. Vilém Flusser, datorn och skriften, Göteborg: Institutionen för idéhistoria och vetenskapsteori 2005). Please view the abstract in English: Karlsohn abstract.

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