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Parution en français de Mutations dans les Relations Humaines? De la Communicologie

The forthcoming publication of the French typescript (written 1986) of Flusser’s book Communicology constitutes an important step in the program of French publications of Flusser’s works.  Until now known only in its 1996 German version as Kommunikologie. Umbruch der Menschlichen Beziehungen? (the English typescript has not yet been published), the French title reverses the order of title and subtitle: Mutations dans les Relations Humaines ? De la Communicologie.
The publisher, Marc Partouche, worked with Flusser and Louis Bec on several projects in the 80s, among them the exhibition Le vivant et l’artificiel in Avignon in 1984. While Flusser was alive, Partouche published a few of Flusser’s essays in various journals and Flusser gave him several French typescripts, asking him to prepare them for publication.
In this book, Flusser pursues and deepens his pioneering thinking on media, and artificial intelligence, reflections already present in his previous works, making it one of his most important and visionary writings.

Mutations (PDF 302.02 KB)