
HOME / Person / Rachel Cecília de Oliveira Costa

Rachel Cecília de Oliveira Costa

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Rachel Costa is Professor of Philosophy and Social Communication, Graduated for Social Communication by Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais on 2004. She is Master of Arts student in the Philosophy Department at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, under the supervision of Ph.D. Professor Rodrigo Duarte. She has worked at UFMG’s Philosophy Magazine, Kriterion, and as an art educator at Casa Fiat de Cultura (FIAT’s Culture Place). She lives in Rio de Janeiro.

Articles of Rachel Cecília de Oliveira Costa

Eva Batlickova, A Época Brasileira de Vilém Flusser

Imagem como língua: uma leitura flusseriana

This article explores the concept of language as shown by Flusser in his book Língua e Realidade in order to explain that it is a comprehensive and symbolic structure which can be undertood in a restricted or in a broad way.

Imagem (PDF 154.33 KB)

A arte e o vazio da cultura

This essay explores the relation between art and culture by taking into account the profound ambiguity inherent in any artwork. This very ambiguity makes it possible to understand art works as part of a cultural process and as modifiers of this process.

Arte (PDF 194.03 KB)

Do Funcionário e de suas implicações

This article deals with job affairs and their socio-historical consequences. We will discuss how workers have been turned into a functionaries after the beginning of post-history by analyzing today’s society from the point of view of the relation between work and functioning. We will also discuss the consequences of the modifications that go with the shift into post-history and their epistemological and socio-cultural implications to provide an analysis of Flusser’s thinking on this matter.

Do Funcionário (PDF 162.09 KB)

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