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Miroslav Marcelli

Komensky-University in Bratislava, Slovakia

Miroslav Marcelli lectures on the history of philosophy, and he is Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Komensky-University in Bratislava. He also lectures at the Institute for Electronic Culture und Semiotics (Charles University in Prague) and at the Institute for Philosophy and History of Philosophy (University in Bratislava). Main areas of research: Philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries, French philosophy, semiotics. Publications: Príklad Barthes (The Example of Barthes) 2001; Kalligram, 2002 (with M. Petricek); Michel Foucault alebo stať sa iným (Michel Foucault or: becoming other) 1995; (ed.) Jenseits der Grenzen, 1992.

Articles of Miroslav Marcelli

Flusser a metafyzika / Flusser und Metaphysik

Although Flusser proposes to examine human communication from a dispassionate, non-ideological point of view, his analysis is based on metaphysics. In his description of dialogical communication structures we can detect, in fact, a double recourse on metaphysics. On the one hand there are circular dialogues which, according to Flusser, originate in the Greek agora, on the other are certain net dialogues which originate from Jewish philosophy. The first case, a fundamentally Platonic type, is based on an ascending metaphysics, a movement from concrete reality into the realm of truth. In the second case, one is not looking for ideas or abstract principles but moving downwards toward concrete reality in order to find an embodiment for these ideas or principles. These structures allow us to reconsider not only metaphysics itself but also our notions of concrete reality.

Metafyzika (PDF 86.43 KB)
Metaphysik (PDF 84.86 KB)

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