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Gabriel Figueiredo

Gabriel Souza Figueiredo is a social scientist, a graduate from the Federal University of Viçosa (Brazil). Under the supervision of professor Flávio Tonnetti, he has been researching the relations between philosophy and literature. He received support of the CNPq, a Brazilian research development agency, being awarded by a PIBIC scholarship.

Articles of Gabriel Figueiredo

Língua é realidade: Vilém Flusser e a obra de Guimarães Rosa

This essay examines the dialogue established between Vilém Flusser and João Guimarães Rosa around the conception of language as the creator of reality. In this text, we discuss elements of this dialogue, We consider how the two authors understand language and how this understanding appears expressed in their works, based on essays and testimonies given by both. In this relationship between these two authors and friends, the works’ interrelation is given from the Flusser’s point of view, in his account of the profound impact of Guimarães Rosa’s literature on Flusser, who wrote several essays on it, and in seeing the experience of his own ideas about the language in Rosa’s work.

Guimarães Rosa (PDF 188.91 KB)

Flusser como educador

Educador (PDF 254.7 KB)

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