
HOME / Node / L’irruption du téchno-imaginaire / A. Bonnier Cor de Rosa / O negro será de cor? / Preto e branco / O preto é belo / Schwarz ist schön / Ecologia multicolorida? / Vom Umfärben der Grünen / Bunte Tiere / Disney Land Colors

L’irruption du téchno-imaginaire / A. Bonnier Cor de Rosa / O negro será de cor? / Preto e branco / O preto é belo / Schwarz ist schön / Ecologia multicolorida? / Vom Umfärben der Grünen / Bunte Tiere / Disney Land Colors

This selection of texts, which date from the early 1970s to the late 1980s, documents Flusser’s interest in colour over nearly twenty years. Besides the connection of black and white in photography and discourses on “racial” differences, the role of greyness and its relationship to colour luminosity in the description of culture and politics, the presence of colour in nature, landscape, and the animal world, Flusser also used colour to redefine the notion of technical image.

L’irruption (PDF 69.16 KB)
Cor de Rosa (PDF 58.11 KB)
O negro será de cor (PDF 176.17 KB)
Preto e branco (PDF 152.32 KB)
O preto é belo (PDF 386.1 KB)
Schwarz ist schön (PDF 163.71 KB)
Ecologia (PDF 106.54 KB)
Umfärben der Grünen (PDF 209.73 KB)
Bunte Tiere (PDF 103.49 KB)
Disney Land Colors (PDF 109.22 KB)

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