Die Welt im Netz
This text is taken from Karen Joisten's monograph entitled Philosophie der Heimat - Heimat der Philosophie (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2003), more specifically from chapter 6, "Die Welt im Netz," 273-316. Flusser Studies is re-printing sections 6.3, 6.5, and 6.6 and publishing for the first time section 6.1. in English ("Vilém Flussers Trans-Anthropozentrismus und die Wende 'Vom Subjekt zum Projekt'"). The author's focus lies primarily on Flusser's late works in that she analyzes his vision of a "new human being" in a post-industrial age who is no longer bound by the limits of history and ready to enter into a creative autonomy.
6.1 Vilém Flusser’s Trans-Anthropocentrism (PDF 97.86 KB)
6.3 Das Projizieren (PDF 236.26 KB)
6.5 Vom 'ich' und 'du' zum 'wir' (PDF 218.87 KB)
6.6 Die Bedeutung der Welt im Netz (PDF 419.46 KB)