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Steffi Winkler

Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Steffi Winkler, M.A., is currently pursuing doctoral research at the Vilém Flusser Archive, University of the Arts, Berlin. She has been a visiting lecturer at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, since 2011. She co-initiated and co-organised the international symposium series on Medienkultur nach Vilém Flusser (Media Culture after Vilém Flusser) in Natal 2012 and Berlin 2014, and moreover co-edited the conference proceedings Vom Begriff zum Bild (From Concept to Image) 2013 and Play it again, Vilém! Medien und Spiel im Anschluss an Vilém Flusser (Media and Game following Vilém Flusser) 2015. Within the scope of the exhibition Without firm ground: Vilém Flusser and the arts she co-initiated and moderated the Flusser Talks series, in Karlsruhe and Berlin 2015, as well as the symposium Transcoding Flusser: Synthetic thinking, in The Hague 2016. Research areas include: Philosophy of communication and media, political theory, multimedia publishing. Recent Publications: 2015, „Abstraction“, „Individual“, „Responsability“, „Ancient Greece“, „Logic“. In: Flusseriana, ed. by Siegfried Zielinski et al.; 2015, „Spiel der Freiheit oder: Bewußtes Träumen miteinander“. In: Play it again, Vilém!, ed. with Hermann Haarmann and Michael Hanke; 2013, „Die Bedeutung der kommunikativen Codes“. In: Vom Begriff zum Bild, ed. with Michael Hanke.

Articles of Steffi Winkler

E-Book Jubiläumsedition. Die erste Dekade / Flusser Studies E-book Anniversary Edition

Anniversary Edition (PDF 266.67 KB)
Jubiläumsedition (PDF 149.77 KB)
E-book (EPUB 972.27 KB)

Denken neu denken mit Vilém Flusser

Flusser suggests synthetic images may free us from the tyranny of linear thinking, whilst calling upon us to engage actively in the new ‘Einbildungskraft’ or techno-imagination. The innovative dimension of this new form of synthesizing information might be the transcending, overcoming or undermining of dualistic patterns of thought. ‘Dedicated to synthesis of contrasts’ (1949) Flusser not only translated between cultural poles but strove for a ‘method of cognition [...] with aesthetic qualities’, ‘which extends beyond philosophy’ (1951). His poetically composed philosophy transcends the traditional opposition of art and philosophy. Yet, as ‘every technical revolution induces a new mankind which again designs a new technique’ (1991), the challenge facing us is more than merely thinking and acting in new technical ways, we must deliberately co-design. Thus, the transformation at hand may be discussed as a shift away from the dominance of thinking in dichotomies, indicating an interrelational understanding of the (re)programming of our environments and of ourselves in dialogue.

Denken neu denken (PDF 248.56 KB)

Techno-imagining Flusser

This article shares some archival gems and treasure maps, as a way of reaching out to all the Flusserphiles in the world. It encourages them not only to disseminate his works, but to do so in actual dialog with his concepts: process him, digest him, play with him and against him. Let’s dare to be footloose.

Techno-imagining (PDF 1.12 MB)

Vilém Flussers Fluß. Transkript der Videodokumentation von Gesprächen mit Vilém Flusser im Sommer 1991

In the last days of august 1991 Michael Bielicky visited Vilém Flusser at his residence in Robion, France. Several original conversations with Flusser were videotaped and published in 1994 as Vilém Flussers Fluß. Eine Dokumentation. The recordings include spirited statements by Flusser on key aspects of his work. These are presented here in written form for the first time. Flusser extemporises impressively on many of his favorite topics: the emergence and crisis of written culture and historical consciousness, the meaning of photography, film and computer-generated images as well as the prospect of a telematic society. A special gem in this transcript is Flusser's brilliant telling of the “history of mankind as a television drama,” unpublished thus far.

Flussers Fluß (PDF 459.43 KB)

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