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Sergio Nesteriuk

Sergio Nesteriuk is one of the pioneers of games studies in Brazil, beginning his research in 1996 and earning his Masters (2002) and Ph.D. degrees (2007) in this area. Since 2003, he is professor of Game Design teaching in the undergraduate and graduate Design program at the Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, where in addition, he leads a number of research projects. With Priscila Arantes, he co-curated the exhibition “Games + Art” held in partnership with Paço das Artes. He is a consultant and frequent juror in games and animation awards.

Articles of Sergio Nesteriuk

Programing the Visible: Dialogues between Vilém Flusser and Harun Farocki

The 2016 São Paulo exhibition “Programando o Invisível” [Programing the Invisible], showcasing works by the artist and filmmaker Harun Farocki (1944-2014), questioned the role of images in the 21st century, and particularly those images constructed by computer algorithms for video games. One of the videos in the exhibition captured the dialogue that took place between Farocki and Vilém Flusser (1920-1991) in 1986. In this theoretically rich and promising video, titled “Shocking sentences, shocking images: a conversation with Vilém Flusser,” they discussed the hegemony of images and of their power in programing our visibility. The theme is one of the central questions in both their works, as if the filmmaker and the philosopher were speaking about the same thing, although in different and complimentary ways. Their works similarly urge a reflection about the possibilities of creation of a critical perspective in face of our image culture, and they both emphasize the question of freedom in a society increasingly programed and dominated by technical images.

Programing the Visible (PDF 191.62 KB)

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