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Rodrigo Nascimento Reis

Rodrigo Nascimento Reis teaches Social Communication/Journalism at the Federal University of Maranhão, Imperatriz campus. He holds a Master in Journalism from the State University of Ponta Grossa, and an undergraduate degree in journalism from UFMA/Imperatriz. He worked as the coordinator of Communication and Media Monitoring Services at the company Canal Comunicação, and as the general director of Portal Do Minuto, as well as a consultant for Press Communication, Icon Communication and Diocese of Imperatriz. His research focuses on sports journalism, analysis of media discourses, political communication and theories of journalism.

Articles of Rodrigo Nascimento Reis

Ficção Filosófica e Perspectivismo Ameríndio: Diálogos conceituais entre Vilém Flusser e Eduardo Viveiros de Castro

Based on the theoretical contribution of Vilém Flusser to the themes of identity and identification, this article approximates Flusserian thought and the Amerindian perspectivism of the Brazilian anthropologist Eduardo Viveiro de Castro. It argues, on the basis of the book Vampyroteuthis Infernalis, that Flusser performs an exercise in perspectivism, as he proposes an imaginative experience allowing readers to adopt the point of view of another nonhuman being, in this case, the octopus.

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