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Peter Zhang

Peter Zhang is Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Grand Valley State University, Michigan, USA. His research is interdisciplinary in nature, spanning such fields as rhetoric, media theory, interality studies, (“interality (間性) as an orientation is an East Asian predisposition and a Western rediscovery.”), Zen, I Ching, Deleuze studies, and Flusser studies. He has published a series of articles in these fields. Currently, he serves as the university’s Director of the School of Communications’ Study Abroad Program in London. He has guest edited a special issue of Canadian Journal of Communication and three special section/issues of China Media Research on interality studies (间性研究), and guest co-edited two special issues of Explorations in Media Ecology entitled “Probing the Boundaries of Media Ecology.”

Articles of Peter Zhang

Rethinking Interology with Flusser

Motivated as much by a deep concern with the rapidly evolving human condition as by intellectual curiosity, this article reveals the problem-driven and futurological nature of Flusserian interology [Deleuze]. It proposes that compared to traditional ontology, the notion of interality and the dynamics of interology offer us a more adequate way of thinking through our situation in the here and now and in the immediate future. The secondary motive is to turn Flusser’s media philosophy into a pointillist verbal art, a techno-ethics, and an intertopia befitting the digital era.

Rethinking Interology (PDF 465.71 KB)

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