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Osmar Gonçalves

Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Brazil

Osmar Gonçalves holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), with a scholarship from the Bauhaus Universität Weimar (Germany), funded by DAAD / CAPES. A researcher and photographer, he holds an undergraduate (2001) and an MA degree (2003) from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at UFMG. He is currently a professor in the Graduate Program at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), where he also teaches Cinema and Audiovisual courses. Areas of concentration: photography, image theory, semiotics and aesthetics of the audiovisual.

Articles of Osmar Gonçalves

Estética da Fotografia: um diálogo entre Benjamin e Flusser

This article seeks to establish a dialogue between the philosophical aesthetics of Walter Benjamin and Vilém Flusser, by pointing out the various intersections and resonances relating the two thinkers in their unique vision of the place and role of photography in contemporary culture. For both philosophers, the photographic apparatus in fact operates a fundamental cut, a paradigmatic rupture not only in the universe of images and in terms of a visual ontology, but in our own way of being and being-in-world. It is not just a new image (mechanical, reproducible, multipliable), but a new apparatus, a medium that brings into play a series of perceptual metamorphosis by introducing new ways of feeling and perceiving the world. Therefore, radically transforming our relationship with the visible and its invisible counterpart.

Estética (PDF 363.64 KB)

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