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Mustapha Azeroual

Mustapha Azeroual (1979) is a self-taught Franco-Moroccan artist. A scientist by training, he bases his research on the observation of and experimentation with the image.  Understanding concepts of installation, volume, sequence in association with old photographic processes, he updates historical techniques in consideration of contemporary issues in photography. The question of the materiality of the image is at the heart of his creative process. Represented by Galerie Binome, his work is regularly the subject of exhibitions and publications. Presented at international fairs, his works figure in large private and institutional collections. In July 2020, he was awarded the national photographic commission "Image 3.0" at the initiative of the Ministry of Culture and the National Center for Plastic Arts in partnership with the Jeu de Paume.

Articles of Mustapha Azeroual

La photographie, la lumière

Photographie (PDF 166.66 KB)

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