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Marcin Sanakiewicz

Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin (Poland)

Marcin Sanakiewicz, born in Cracow in 1980, is PhD and lecturer at the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of Politics at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland). He is a VO artist in radio and television, longtime journalist, editor and publisher in Polish Television (TVP), former pianist and accompanist. He graduated in journalism and social communication, also continued with doctoral studies in political science. His dissertation Telewizja i performatyzacja codzienności: studium z teorii i praktyki mediów (Television and The Performatisation of Everyday Life: A Study of Media Theory and Praxis, Lublin: 2018) was written under the guidance of Prof. Jan P. Hudzik. He authored many articles and two monographs on the topic of contemporary TV: Poetyka telewizyjnych programów porannych: między informacją, tabloidem i autopromocją (Poetics of TV Morning Shows: among Information, Tabloid, and Self-promotion, Warszawa: Scholar 2013) and Telewizja ponowoczesna. Logiki i imaginacje medialne (Postmodern TV. Media Logics and Imaginations, Gdynia: Novae Res 2016). As a media theorist, he focuses on the mutual relations of media, arts, politics, contemporary cultures of knowledge, and performance studies.

Articles of Marcin Sanakiewicz

Vilém Flusser’s Technical Image: Performative Inspirations

This essay explores the relevance of Vilém Flusser’s work for performance studies, a discipline that is based on philosophy of language, anthropology, as well as on the study of theatrical phenomena and everyday practices. Is there a possible kinship between Flusser’s concept of technical image and the broader category of performance?

Performative Inspiration (PDF 236.56 KB)

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