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Hansjörg Küster

Leibniz University, Hannover - Germany

Hansjörg Küster studied Biology at the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim, where in 1985 he also received his PhD. Since 1988 he has been a Professor at the Institute of Plant Ecology and Geobotanics at the Leibniz University in Hannover. He has published widely on the subject of landscape. His main areas of research are Ecology, Landscape theory, History of landscape and vegetation. Selected publications: Die Entdeckung der Landschaft: Einführung in eine neue Wissenschaft (2012); Geschichte der Landschaft im Mittelalter: Von der Eiszeit bis zur Gegegnwart (2010); Geschichte der Landschaft in Mitteleuropa (2010); Die Geschichte des Waldes: Von der Urzeit bis zur Gegenwart (2008); Die Elbe (2007).

Articles of Hansjörg Küster

Mensch oder Landschaft – was war zuerst da? Antworten aus Vilém Flussers Vogelflüge

The essay is dedicated to the relationship of nature and culture. Landscapes are formed by natural and cultural influences. Cultural influences include two components: the changes on the land made by men and the changing ideas about landscape. Landscapes are concepts; therefore they cannot exist without men. Flusser explores this theme by describing his visit to the French Jura Mountains. He outlines how, first animals and later men used the Ofenpass, a pathway in the Alps. Separated river valleys were transformed from natural areas to landscapes, which can be regarded as men’s homes.

Mensch oder Landschaft (PDF 194.06 KB)

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