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Giorgio Cipolletta

Università di Macerata, Macerata, Italy

Giorgio Cipolletta graduated in Communication Studies, publishing and multimedia communications from the University of Macerata, Italy, where in 2012 he earned a PhD in Theory of Information and Communication. Presently, he is adjunct professor of Visual Art and Technology and research assistant of Aesthetics, Theory and Technology of Mass Communication and Sociology of Mass Communication at the University of Macerata. In 2011, he was a visiting student at the ZKM (Center for Art and Media), Karlsruhe (Germany). He explores the relation between body and image in digital art, cybernetics and public spaces. He just published his first book: Passages metrocorporei. Il corpo-dispositivo per un'estetica della transizione, eum, Macerata 2014.

Articles of Giorgio Cipolletta

Un acrostico per Flusser sul pensiero fotografico

Un acrostico (PDF 781.74 KB)

Il flusso di Flusser: una prospettiva ubiqua oltre il contemporaneo

Vilém Flusser introduces a Kulturrevolution produced by computers and by the universe of technical images, leading to a re-conceptualization of society and identity, thus producing a complex theory of the media. According to Flusser, communication always depends on the media and upon each medium’s own logic and ways of transmitting information. By changing the structure of the media, information also changes, and at the same time, the reality we experience. Flusser describes this communicational revolution starting from the proliferation of images into multi-visual information. The collapse of texts and the hegemony of images, according to Flusser, led to a revolution of technical images, which no longer refer to an existing world, but to the concepts that we make. Technical images are born to rebuild guidance and a re-conquest of sense perception. The screen becomes the place, the skin in which the philosophy of feeling is currently developing. Through this new mirror-device (the screen), we have an aesthetic touch-screen that redefines our gestures. While McLuhan communicates, Flusser “envisions,” and Roy Ascott produces visions. Technologies and miniaturization invade the body inside and outside, thus bringing the digital world into the physical one, within and around us: ubiquitously. The new situation, beyond contemporary communication, is producing a new type of media: moist media. This advancing, post-digital mutations, imply a variable reality while our space-time dimension becomes an exciting constellation of Flusser's flows and movements.

Il flusso di Flusser (PDF 258.49 KB)

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