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Florian Arndtz

Universität Basel, Switzerland

Florian Arndtz is a Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy and Media Theory at NCCR Iconic Criticism eikones in Basel, Switzerland. His master thesis (University of Jena, 2006) considered Flusser’s theory of images and media. In his Ph.D. project he examines the concept of technical images within a larger philosophical background, focussing on questions of time and reflexivity.

Articles of Florian Arndtz

Über Fotografie schreiben. Vilém Flusser, Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida

The paper explores how concepts of writing (“Schrift” or “écriture”), photography (as a “technical image”) and ideology are related in the works of Vilém Flusser, Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida. A comparison of these three authors reveals both fundamental parallels and significant differences, depending on the interest, scope and line of the various argumentations, which are to be investigated.

Über Fotografie (PDF 174.03 KB)

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