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Eduardo Guerreiro B. Losso

UFRRJ, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Eduardo Guerreiro B. Losso (*1975), received his doctorate from the Universidade Fereral do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and the University of Leipzig. Since 2009, he has been a literary studies professor at the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). Main research areas: Brazilian literature, critical theory and theory of literature, theory of popular music, mysticism in modern literature. He has published two books: Diferencia minoritaria en Latinoamérica. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2008 (with Cornelia Sieber and Claudia Gronemann) and O carnaval carioca de Mario de Andrade. Rio de Janeiro: Azougue Editorial, 2011, (with Alberto Pucheu).

Articles of Eduardo Guerreiro B. Losso

Sagrado e profano na escrita. Vilém Flusser e Christoph Türcke

The article compares two readings of the dialectic of the sacred and the profane in relation to the concept of writing. Flusser believed that there is no future for writing because it becomes an obsolete code, increasingly overcome by programming. Türcke, on the other hand, observed that the paradigm shift introduced by new media did not change in any way the basic structures of capitalism, on the contrary, it reinforced and renewed them. While Flusser stated that writing is profane, linear, and therefore tied to the conditions of causality, historicity, authorship and scientific progress, Türcke examined a historical development of writing, which explored the specific functions of the profane and the sacred. 

Sagrado e profano (PDF 371.85 KB)

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