Dorothée Bauerle-Willert
An art historian and author, Dorothée Bauerle-Willert (9.7.1951-15.11.2022) wrote a doctorate on Aby Warburg’s picture atlas Mnemosyne. She was president of the International Artists’ Panel IKG. As a jury member of the Stiftung Kunstfonds she was committed to the promotion of visual artists.
Articles of Dorothée Bauerle-Willert
Transparente Gegensätze – Logische Auflockerungen. Von den Abenteuern eines Bild-Ingenieurs und poetischen Konstruktivisten
Karl Gerstner’s work is above all about visibility (Sichtbarkeit) and conceivability (Denkbarkeit). It makes something unprecedented appear. In this context, colours play an essential role. Gerstner’s works are of great clarity and severity, they are inspired by a constant pursuit of abstraction punctuated with flashes of freedom. Both Vilém Flusser and Karl Gerstner were influenced by the thinking of Jean Gebser and his notion of a-perspectivity and transparency – diaphaneity in Gebser’s terminology.