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Denis Bernard

Trained in printmaking at the Beaux-Arts in Paris, Denis Bernard studied the Londe-Richer collection there, then, in 1983 produced an inventory of the Albert Londe collection at the SFP (Société française de photographie). In 1984, having become a photographer, he undertook practical and theoretical research on multiple pinholes, and in 1986 coordinated the Londe exhibition at the Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie in Arles. At the same time, he specialized from 1985 to 1995 in the photography of works of art for museums, art galleries and magazines and exhibition catalogues, maintaining an energetic practice of experimental photography.  This led to exhibitions of his work in Canada, the United States and Europe. In 1993, he published L’Instant révé: Albert Londe with A. Gunthert, (J. Chambon). A book devoted to his photographic practices, Écarts, éclairs et corps… was published in 2011 (Fage). His research on the history of photographic optics will be the subject of a doctorate supported in 2016 at EHESS. Qualified in applied arts, he has taught photography from 1996 to 2009 (Esaig Estienne, Paris) and graphic design and the history of technical images since 2009 (Les Arènes, Toulouse). Another book, Pinhole cameras, History and theory of a natural machine, is forthcoming from  Mimesis at the end of 2021.

Articles of Denis Bernard

À propos d’un portrait de Vilém Flusser

Portrait (PDF 320.18 KB)

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