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Claudia Santana Martins

Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Claudia Santana Martins holds a Bachelor of Letters in French from the School of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. She earned a Master of Letters in Linguistic and Literary Studies in English from the same university, where she is now pursuing her PhD. Her Master’s dissertation, titled Vilém Flusser: a tradução na sociedade pós-histórica [Vilém Flusser: translation in the post-historical society], was published in book form by Editora Humanitas. She is also a professional translator, working from French and English into Brazilian Portuguese, and has translated books of many genres and different fields, including literature, art, history, sociology, philosophy, mathematics, and computer science.

Articles of Claudia Santana Martins

Há futuro para a tradução na sociedade pós-histórica? / Does Translation Have a Fu-ture in the Post-Historical Society?

Researchers studying Flusser’s work are faced with two apparently distinct periods: in the first period, while he lived in Brazil, Flusser developed his theory of language; in the second period, after his return to Europe, his theory of the media and post-historical society. In this paper, I intend to explore some of the connections between those two periods of Flusser’s thought, and point to some possible ways Flusser’s view on language and translation can be applied to his conception of post-historical society. Flusser's reflections suggesting that writing is coming to an end are analyzed here in an effort to identify the place occupied by translation in a world where history and writing are losing ground to technological images. In this context, this work emphasizes the crucial role assigned by Flusser to translation: that of building bridges, not only between different languages and cultures, but also between different fields and models of knowledge.

Há futuro (PDF 193.58 KB)
Does translation (PDF 202.9 KB)

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