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Christoph Ernst

Centre Ernst Robert Curtius, Universität Bonn

Christoph Ernst (PhD, Mainz 2005) was born 1975 in Wiesbaden and studied German Studies, History and Philosophy. He is Program Manager (Post-Doc) at the Graduate School ‘Cultural Hermeneutics – Reflections of Difference and Transdifference’ at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany), where he also teaches Media-Studies. He is currently working on a project about the influence of Flusser’s intercultural thinking on his mediaphilosophy. Areas of interest: essayistic writing, skepticism, media theory, semiotics and deconstruction.

Articles of Christoph Ernst

Verwurzelung und Bodenlosigkeit – Strukturelle Fremdheit bei Vilém Flusser

The paper delivers a reading of Flusser’s Concept ‘Bodenlosigkeit’ (groundlessness) with respect to the Husserlian concept of ‘Lebenswelt’ (life-world). By examining the connection between ‘Bodenlosigkeit’ with its complementary term ‘Verwurzelung’ (rootage), ‘Bodenlosigkeit’ is illustrated as Flusser’s idea for what current phenomenological approaches call ‘structural foreignness.’ ‘Structural foreignness’ functions as an important premise for Flusser’s subsequent philosophy of dialogue and communication.

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