Charles Feitosa
Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Charles Feitosa has a Phd in philosophy (University of Freiburg i. B., Germany). He is professor and resaercher of UNIRIO (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) and author of Explicando a Filosofia com Arte, Ediouro, Rio de Janeiro 2004.
Articles of Charles Feitosa
No-nada. Formas brasileiras do niilismo
In his notes from 1887-1888 Nietzsche wrote that “European Nihilism," the “uncanniest all of guests” [unheimlichste aller Gäste], is already waiting at the door. He tried to show that there will be several ways of nihilism in history. The present essay investigates the question, starting out from Vilem Flusser's “Fenomenologia do Brasileiro," whether there are specific “brazilian ways of being-in-nothing” [estar-no-nada].
No-nada (PDF 134.14 KB)