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Camila Mozzini-Alister

University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

Camila Mozzini-Alister is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. She holds a doctorate in Communication from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ-Brazil) and another in Arts: Producción e Investigación from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV-Spain).  She further holds a Research Master's degree in Social and Institutional Psychology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS-Brazil) and a Bachelor’s degree (Honours)  in Social Communication - Journalism from the same institution. Her research interests lie in the interfaces between body, social mediation, meditation, desire for omnipresence, affection, migration.  She is, further, a performing artist. She has worked as an art educator in several cultural institutions, including the Iberê Camargo Foundation and the Mercosul Biennial Foundation.  At the Mathias Velho House of Youth (Canoas-RS), she led workshops on Citizen Journalism to the youth of the community. Her published books include Estudos do Corpo: Encontros com Artes e Educação (2013), Experimentações Performáticas (2015) and Impressões de um corpo conectado: como a publicidade está nos incitando à conexão digital (2019). As a member of the art emsemble D.I.V.E. Theatre Collective (Sunshine Coast, Australia), she takes writing to be a field of poetic experimentation and the body to be our first and ultimate creative substratum.

Articles of Camila Mozzini-Alister

Por uma fenomenologia do corpo

This article seeks to respond to Flusser’s call for a “phenomenology of the body” by constructing a method. The paper has four sections, corresponding to four aspects of the project: the first section examines Flusser’s letter to Dora Ferreira da Silva, in which he talks about the urgent need for a phenomenology of the body; the second identifies the necessary elements for the realization of a phenomenology of the body along three axes:  theory, form and practice; the third section considers the ways academic territories would have to be redefined to accommodate a phenomenology of the body from a Flusserian perspective ; finally, the fourth section takes  other, newer phenomenologies of the body into consideration in an effort to grasp the urgency of Flusser’s request.

Fenomenologia do corpo (PDF 255.79 KB)

Entering the Black Box: Flusser and Indian Philosophy

The aim of this paper is to highlight the most important thoughts on Vilém Flusser’s connections to Indian Philosophy. We analyze his works such as The History of the Devil and Vampyroteuthis Infernalis and correspondences with authors such as Dora Ferreira da Silva or Alex Bloch in order to trace back Indian philosophical influences on his writings, with a specific focus on Yoga Philosophy. The topic ebbs and flows in Flusser’s life: at times he praises the Eastern Wisdom, sometimes he opposes it. Therefore, we try to answer the following questions: What was Flusser’s personal approach to Yoga, and how is its influence evidenced in his writings?

Indian Philosophy (PDF 464.64 KB)

Por um método flusseriano / For a Flusserian Method

In academic circles, Flusser has been traditionally considered to be a “minor” thinker, an author who lacks scholarly rigor and systematicity. If a text can be understood as a testimony of how thought operates, this article follows and explores in Flusser’s texts, his process of writing-thinking, as a particular method. To this end, three procedures will be invoked to systematize a methodological trinity: a form of affirmative writing that implies a certain economy of words; a paradoxical way of writing that creates, and afterwards dilutes dichotomies; and a textuality that is experiential, that is, an aesthetic of existence. The purpose of this endeavor is to create new methodological procedures inspired by Flusser’s processes of writing-action and thought-movement.

Método flusseriano (PDF 250.46 KB)
Flusserian Method (PDF 246.71 KB)

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