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Bárbara Sesso Carneiro

Bárbara Sesso Carneiro received a master degree in Philosophy from the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros of Universidade de São Paulo (2019). The research in the area of Brazilian Identities and Culture was about the relationship between Theon Spanudis, psychoanalyst and art collector, and the painter Eleonore Koch. She worked in the Archive of Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (USP), organizing and making available for public access the personal documentation of Theon Spanudis, while she developed research in the area of ​​Sociology of Art about the Brazilian concretist movement in the second half of the 20th century. Between March and July 2013, she lived in Santa Fe, Argentina, for an exchange with scholarship from the Associación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM). Between 2014 and 2016, she produced material for Revista Capitolina, an independent online magazine for teenage girls that became a book in two volumes published in Brazil. From 2016 to present day, she works as social media manager. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5695-6405. Complete Curriculum Vitae: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0067289346081071

Articles of Bárbara Sesso Carneiro

Vilém Flusser, Theon Spanudis: their languages

Vilém Flusser and Theon Spanudis were both immigrants in São Paulo in an effervescent moment of the city. Theon Spanudis was a Greek-Brazilian art collector, poet and psychoanalyst, whose personal documents and works of art were donated to the University of São Paulo. Archive documents from Vilém Flusser Archiv in Universität der Künste Berlin and from Theon Spanudis in Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros formed a dialogue between them through letters that is very useful to understand the relevance of language not only in their work but also in their social environment. Their letter-based communication probably started during the 1970s, when Flusser went back to Europe. Most of the documents are in German. But this was not a special case in the group they belonged while in São Paulo, once they were both friends of the artists Mira Schendel, another immigrant, and Niobe Xandó, who was a Brazilian painter married to Alexander Bloch, the Czech philosopher who is celebrated in one of the chapters of Flusser’s autobiography “Bodenlos”. Language was the medium but also the theme of their letters. Language - especially German - was a kind of space where the sociability of them happened. This presentation aims to investigate how languages impacted the presence of those figures in a Brazilian cultural scene and how those figures managed languages in the way they did autotranslations, textual experiments and written theories.

Spanudis (PDF 167.32 KB)

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