
HOME / Person / Michael T. Schetsche

Michael T. Schetsche

Michael Schetsche, political scientist and sociologist, private lecturer at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Freiburg, digital and network artist. Areas of interest: sociology of knowledge and media, sociology of social problems and anomalies, qualitative prognostics and futurology.Current publication: K. Lehmann/M. Schetsche (ed.), Die Google-Gesellschaft [The Google Society], transcript, Bielefeld 2005

Articles of Michael T. Schetsche

Some Brief Remarks on a Theory of Superface / Bemerkungen zu einer Theorie der Ueberflaeche

Theory of Superface (PDF 96.86 KB)
Theorie der Ueberflaeche (PDF 108.11 KB)

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