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Undine Stabrey

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

Undine Stabrey teaches at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) and at the Center for Global Studies of the University of Berne. After her archaeologic expeditions, she currently focuses on pedagogical knowledge as well as on the phenomenon of water. In addition to research in Ancient World Studies and Philosophy of Science, she develops an archaeology of digital things in order to explain the formation of prognostic structures.

Articles of Undine Stabrey

Prognostik über Generalismus: Dingdenken. Dynamik und Wortort in Flussers Jetzt(2010er Jahre)antizipation(1980er Jahre)

This paper presents a reading of Flusser’s From Subject to Project, highlighting three specific aspects: the time-horizon, the immediateness of Flusser’s use of word meanings and the dynamics of moving concepts. Flusser connects the distant past with human characteristics in modern times. He focuses on becoming human and the changes this involves. Human characteristics emerge in this broader horizon and are expressed by a series of specific words. An example: the hand in German, die Hand, is linked to concepts like hand-eln, to act, and die Handlung, the action.

Prognostik (PDF 266.86 KB)

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