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Pierre-Carl Link

Faculty of Human Sciences, Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg (Germany)

Pierre-Carl Link studied Theology, Philosophy, Psychology and Educational Theory in Mannheim, Freiburg and Würzburg (Germany). He is currently working as a research assistant at the Chair of Special Education V - Education for People with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders at Würzburg University. He is responsible for the scientific project of inclusion and the counselling centre for educational aid´s special education. At Würzburg University, he teaches gestalttherapy, gestaltpedagogy, advisory approaches, psychoanalysis and the religions of pre-colonial America in the position of a lecturer. He was social education worker at a sheltered workshop for handicapped people (Eisingen). Additionally, he works part-time as an analytic gestalttherapist at his own practice for psychotherapy (Cheiroikos), and he´s group analyst and child and youth psychotherapist in training. At the moment, he is doing his PhD at the Graduate School of Humanities of Würzburg University focusing on the topic “Labyrinthine Inclusion as the vulnerable Subject’s Project”. He is the second chair of the European association of Gestaltpädagogie (GPV).

Articles of Pierre-Carl Link

Mit anderen unsterblich werden. Der Dialog bei Vilém Flusser

This essay deals with Flusser’s theory of inter-subjectivity by reflecting upon immortality, which can originate in dialogical exchange with others. Flusser’s utopia of a telematic society will be discussed as an utopia of dialogical living, referring to Martin Buber’s dialogic principle. This contribution would like to develop Flusser’s thoughts on a responsible society in an age of massification through the media. In this context, the experience of Bodenlosigkeit as well as the idea of self-projection are of fundamental significance.

Der maskierte Mensch: Vom Subjekt zum Projekt in der Stimmung des Orgasmus

This article starts from the assumption that Heidegger’s notion of Geworfenheit (Thrownness) can be overcome through alternative design or projection of human beings. Designing the body has so far received little attention within the research on Vilém Flusser. The essay begins with a discussion of bodily design moving on to an examination of sexual coitus and orgasm. Human re-invention is depicted in terms of sexual design, by assuming, in accordance with Flusser, a kind of sex, which is entirely independent of procreation or of any other biological consideration and exclusively directed towards orgasm as an intersubjective integration with the other person. This is not so much a form of surrender as an attempt at self-oblivion. The article also deals with the victory over death through orgasm, showing Flusser’s theoretical proximity to Wilhelm Reich’s psychoanalysis. The concept of orgasm will also be discussed in view of techno-imaginary charity as a gesture of love, addressing Flusser’s topos of masquerade, along with the possibilities of its overcoming.

Der maskierte Mensch (PDF 491.39 KB)

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