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Zukunftsvision ohne Schrift

Imagine our world without any written letters. Since we live in a rapidly changing world dominated by computers, it is exciting to think about what the world would be like in about thirty years from now. Thinking only thirty years back in history, the personal computer was in its infancy, used by very few people. Nowadays, more than sixty percent of private homes in Germany own at least one personal computer. This development relates to Flusser's remark that there will be other ways of communication beyond writing, and his remark encouraged me to come up with "Levi Melfuss," a student who lives in a future in which text-based communication will vanish in favor of digital communication.

Zukunftsvision (PDF 124.49 KB)

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Notice: Undefined variable: crumbs in flusser_breadcrumb() (line 82 of sites/all/themes/flusser/template.php).