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A caminho do nada: a questão do progresso da humanidade ocidental e do papel da língua nas reflexões de Heidegger, Benjamin e Flusser

This essay delineates a strand of philosophical thought which relates the progress of modern humanity leading it to nihilism with the profanation of thought and, thus, with the profanation of language. We map this trend in German philosophy in the interwar period, focusing on Martin Heidegger's text  “Nietzsche's word 'God is Dead'” and Walter Benjamin's monograph The Origin of German Tragic Drama. The focus on the concepts of progress and guilt and the metaphysical dimension of our thought and our language seeks to show the importance of these philosophers in Vilém Flusser's early writings and in his articulation of the theory of language.

Caminho do nada (PDF 529.26 KB)

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