
HOME / Node / “Devir em direção ao perecer”: Flusser, Plásticos, Rodas, e Inteligências Artificiais / "Becoming towards perishing": Flusser, Plastics, Wheels, and Artificial Intelligences

“Devir em direção ao perecer”: Flusser, Plásticos, Rodas, e Inteligências Artificiais / "Becoming towards perishing": Flusser, Plastics, Wheels, and Artificial Intelligences

This essay proposes a digression on the permanence and impermanence, the visibility and invisibility of synthetic polymers (also known as plastics) and the role of AI, starting out from an interpretation proposed by Vilém Flusser in his essays “Forma e material” and “Rodas”. It explores the boundaries between form and matter, organic and synthetic, natural and artificial, art and science The text also includes a reflection proposed by Roland Barthes regarding synthetic polymers in his essay “Le plastique”, from the work “Mythologies”. The proteism of plastics could be interpreted as a utopia of total information. The text is accompanied by four images created by a Versatile Diffusion program.

Plásticos (PDF 385.5 KB)
Plastics (PDF 350.89 KB)

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