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Gilson Schwartz

Gilson Schwartz holds a degree in Economics and Social Sciences from USP (1980, 1981), a master's and doctorate in Economic Sciences from Unicamp (1985 and 1993) and a postdoctoral degree as Visiting Professor at the Institute of Advanced Studies at USP (1999-2005 and Sabbatical Program in 2017). He is a Full Professor in Audiovisual Economics (2015) at the Department of Cinema, Radio and TV at the School of Communications and Arts at USP.

Articles of Gilson Schwartz

A Torá e a Caixa Preta de Flusser

Is the Torah the “black box” of Vilém Flusser's communicology? And what are the implications of this discovery for the pedagogy of the oppressed in the society of the digital spectacle? Is there Enlightenment in the metaverses? Do we program or are we programmed? This text addresses these issues from texts by Flusser published in the collection “Ser Judeu” (Being Jewish), aligning his ideas with those prominent critics of contemporary technological audiovisuality and highlighting the emancipatory pedagogical potential of his thinking.

A Torá e a Caixa Preta (PDF 208.24 KB)

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